Sistemas Dinâmicos

Some fixed points for a dynamical system on a probability space

Por Alexandre T. Baraviera (IME-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul).

In this talk we revisit a model introduced by Marchetti and Perez in order to understand in a rigorous way a renormalization group approach for the Coulumb gas on the lattice; the model  corresponds to a map (depending on a parameter \beta)  on the probabilities defined on the integers. Our goal is to provide another approach for the existence of  non trivial fixed  points of this map when the parameter \beta is smaller than a certain critical value.

Neural Networks: recent advances - Deep learning - and some (mathematical?) problems

Por Rui Alberto Pimenta Rodrigues (Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa).

Abstract: (Deep) Neural networks seem to be achieving the targets drawn for Artificial Intelligence in the early 60's. We will present the practical accomplishments. The underlying mathematical models will be discussed:
