
Quantitative translations for viscosity approximation methods

Speaker: Pedro Pinto (Technische Universitat Darmstadt).

Abstract: Proof mining is a research program that employs proof theoretical tools to obtain additional information from mathematical results, [1]. Its techniques have been applied successfully to many areas of Mathematics with special focus on Nonlinear Analysis. This presentation reports ongoing joint work with Ulrich Kohlenbach.

Bealer's Intensional Logic (Part II)

Speaker: Clarence Protin.

Abstract: Many intuitively valid arguments involving intensionality cannot be captured by first-order logic, even when extended by modal and epistemic operators.

Indeed, previous attempts at providing an adequate treatment of the phenomenon of intensionality in logic and language, such as those of Frege, Church, Russell, Carnap, Quine, Montague and others are fraught with numerous philosophical and technical difficulties and shortcomings.

Bealer's Intensional Logic (Part I)

Speaker: Clarence Protin.

Abstract: Many intuitively valid arguments involving intensionality cannot be captured by first-order logic, even when extended by modal and epistemic operators.

Indeed, previous attempts at providing an adequate treatment of the phenomenon of intensionality in logic and language, such as those of Frege, Church, Russell, Carnap, Quine, Montague and others are fraught with numerous philosophical and technical difficulties and shortcomings.
