Soft Matter in Biomedicine

The Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics (CFTC) and the Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering (IBEB) are organizing a joining initiative on “Soft Matter in Biomedicine”. We aim at bringing together leading researchers from all over the country, working at the frontier of Soft Matter and Biomedicine, to share ideas and explore synergies. 

Computing with Biological Agents

Por Dan Nicolau (McGill University, Montreal - Canada).

Prof. Dan Nicolau is the founding Chair of McGill’s Department of Bioengineering at the Faculty of Engineering. He has degrees in Chemical Engineering (PhD, MEng) and in Statistics, Cybernetics & Information Technology (MSc). His research covered polymer physico-chemistry, surface science and engineering, micro- and nanofabrication for semiconductor and biomedical devices, process modeling and control, protein adsorption, and recently biomimetics.
