Why are we locked down? The role of mobility in epidemic models
Workshop por Hygor Piaget.
Workshop por Hygor Piaget.
Por Margarida Telo da Gama.
O Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional da Ciências ULisboa participa no desenvolvimento do mapa de risco de propagação da COVID-19 por contágio comunitário em Portugal, um projeto coordenado pelas Universitat Rovira i Virgili, em Tarragona, e Universidad de Zaragoza, em Zaragoza, ambas em Espanha e que em Portugal tem como parceiros a NOS, a Data Science Portuguese Association e a Closer Consulting.
Professor Malte Henkel, from Université de Lorraine, is visiting the Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics (CFTC), from November 4 to 15. During his visit, Professor Täuber will belecturing a four-day advanced course on "Conformal Invariance in 2D".
Registrations available here.
Por Byungnam Kahng (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University).
Professor Uwe Täuber, from Virginia Tech, is visiting the Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics (CFTC) for the summer. During his visit, Professor Täuber will be lecturing a four-day advanced course on Critical Dynamics with the following program:
Por Malte Henkel (Universite de Lorraine Nancy, France).
A sessão inaugural do ciclo CFTC-Industry Iniciative ocorreu a 26 de novembro de 2018, num dos anfiteatros do edifíco C8 e contou com Jan Engmann, líder de grupo na Nestlé Research Development. A reportagem inclui declarações do professor Nuno Araújo e do aluno André Torcato.
Por Pedro Patrício (CFTC, ULisboa).
Rayleigh-Bénard convection patterns, developed when fluids are heated from below, have inspired a large number of studies in nonlinear dynamics, involving transitions between stable configurations, strange attractors and chaos, the mathematical expression of turbulent phenomena.
Por João Maia (Case Western Reserve University, Department of Macromolecular Science and Engineering, United States).