2.º Ciclo

Prova de Mestrado "Fiddler crabs impact the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community and the spatial distribution of foraging shorebirds in tropical intertidal mudflats"

João Carlos Ferreira Paulo Paulino defende a dissertação "Fiddler crabs impact the structure of the benthic macroinvertebrate community and the spatial distribution of foraging shorebirds in tropical intertidal mudflats".

Júri das provas:

Prova de Mestrado "An innovative strategy for cell-based therapeutic neovascularization: the use of angiogenic microniches in an experimental model of hindlimb ischemia"

Catarina Ferreira da Costa defende a dissertação "An innovative strategy for cell-based therapeutic neovascularization: the use of angiogenic microniches in an experimental model of hindlimb ischemia".

Prova de Mestrado "Optimizing the reproductive development of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Panningoturia) forskali Delle Chiaje, 1823 in captivity: advances for the species’ aquaculture"

João Noronha Gamito Trigo de Sousa defende a dissertação "Optimizing the reproductive development of the sea cucumber Holothuria (Panningoturia) forskali Delle Chiaje, 1823 in captivity: advances for the species’ aquaculture".

Constituição do Júri:
