FCUL Microscopy Facility


The FCUL Microscopy Facility is a research and academic infrastructure focused mainly on microscopic bioimaging, located at the FCUL Campus in Campo Grande (Lisbon). FCULMF functions as a service provider and technical support hub for Research Units and teaching staff, as well as the rest of the scientific and student communities.
Its main areas of operation are:
1) Research: microscopy services for in-house, as well as external, Research Units
2) Academia: bioimaging tutoring and facilities for FCUL undergraduate classes
3) Outreach: guided tours and science communication events for high school visits
4) Mentoring: advanced courses and workshops on bioimaging for students and researchers
FCUL Microscopy is a multi user facility which encompasses 3 research sites:
- C2 Building, room 2.1.15, harbouring a confocal microscope, widefield & fluorescence microscopes, fluorescence stereoscope, and scanning electron microscope. These equipments are under joint Animal and Plant Biology Departments supervision, and were acquired by BioISI and CE3C Research Units
- C8 Building, room 8.1.79, harbouring a high-throughput imaging system, stereoscope, and a widefield & fluorescence microscope, under BioISI supervision
- FCUL site at Rua da Escola Politécnica / Museu de História Natural, harbouring one scanning and one transmission electron microscopes, under DBV supervision.
Fotografia de alunos a andarem, junto ao C8

A primeira edição do curso realiza-se já em 2012.

Outra forma de fazer turismo.

Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25.Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25

O Encontro decorreu em Junho no GeoFCUL.
