Lisbon AI Seminar

AI and Music: From Creativity to Recommender Systems

Sala 6.2.52, Ciências ULisboa (com transmissão online)

Por Vinícius Jonas de Aguiar (CFCUL/RG3).

There is a long history of applications of mathematics in music. From ancient and modern musical theories to the tuning of instruments, mathematics has often played central roles in the constitution of music aesthetics in different historical periods. In the age of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this intimate relationship between music and mathematics is brought to the foreground once again. Since the 20th century, in the lineage of musical combinatorics (e.g., Leibniz, Kircher, Lovelace), researchers have been producing more and more sophisticated technologies for the automatization of musical creativity (e.g., Computational Creativity; generative AI). Moreover, in the past decade, AI has entered a new domain of music aesthetics. AI is currently playing a prominent role in the domain of music recommendation and curatorship. In this talk, I will present a brief overview of those two applications of AI in music focusing on their historical antecedents and on the philosophical problems they raise. It will be highlighted that while the automatization of musical creativity problematizes the very concept of creativity and brings to the spotlight the concepts of originality, authorship and the question of copyrights, the automatization of music recommendation and curatorship brings to the debate pressing societal issues such as privacy, manipulation, alterity, and normativity.

Transmissão via Zoom (link disponibilizado no dia do seminário).

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CFCUL - Centro de Filosofia das Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa
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