Solid Earth Seminars - Speedy Talks

Sala 6.2.46, FCUL, Lisboa

Climate Change Impacts on Coastal Dunes

Por Daniela Rato (Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa - ICS).

Abstract: The coast of mainland Portugal has an extension of 950 km and a diverse morphology. Sand beaches with coastal dunes have the highest risk and vulnerability impacts to climate change impacts. It is projected a loss of 67% of this territory during the next years. Which are the impacts of climate change on coastal dunes? Which are the associated variables of these impacts? How have coastal dunes evolve in the past years? Which contributions coastal communities can give? These are some questions that will be answered under a research project of a PhD in Doctoral Program on Climate Change and Sustainable Development Policies. The research is still at the design stage, so the purpose of this session will be to share some ideas and most of all to receive some grants.

Converting Tailings into Mineral Resources: New Source of Critical Raw Materials?

Por Alexandra Escobar (Instituto Dom Luiz - IDL).

Abstract: Over the past 15 years, the mining industry has begun to incorporate the concept of sustainable mining and life cycle assessment and has begun to be aware of the life cycle of mineral operations. Over the same period, the industry has seen a gradual decrease in ore grades for many mineral commodities and a gradual increase in the vulnerability of many raw material’s supply. Large volumes of tailings and mine waste rock are being produced around the world, and it is expected that the annual production volumes of these materials will increase, even if there was not a significant increase in the demand for materials. ETN–SULTAN project (H2020), at the IDL/Ciências-ULisboa, aims to perform a physical, mineralogical and geochemical characterization of the Neves Corvo Cu-Zn tailings (potential for Cu & Zn and possibly for by-products such as Ag, Au, In, Se). The resource potential for reprocessing and speciation of Cu-Zn tailings for future mining and remediation of base metal tailings finalized at the Neves Corvo mine will be assessed within a holistic geometallurgical model.

Estimation of Future Trends of Groundwater Quality in Vulnerable Zones to Nitrates from Agricultural Sources

Por Joel Zeferino (Instituto Dom Luiz - IDL).

Abstract: European Directive 91/676/EEC of 12 December 1991 (Nitrate Directive, ND) has the objectives to reduce water pollution caused or induced by nitrates from agricultural sources and define Nitrate Vulnerable Zones to prevent the spread of such pollution, where minimization measures must be applied. The effectiveness of the measures was evaluated predicting the time required for the groundwater body reach the quality, i.e., less than 50 mg/L for dissolved nitrates. To predict the time required for groundwater reaches the environmental objectives, flow and nitrates transport modelling was performed, using the FEFLOW software. The aquifers were simulated in 3D, applying a finite element mesh, with different NO3 mass input for mass transport simulations. The transient simulations of nitrate transport shows that the minimization measures imposed in the Nitrate Vulnerable Zones are being effective, however, the persistence of concentrations above 50 mg/L in some areas is notorious, even in the next 25 years.

IDL - Instituto Dom Luiz
Logótipo da ação CLEANFOREST

Forests are exposed to multiple global change drivers, wich can constrain their ability to continue providing several ecosystem services (including climate change mitigation). Assessing responses - and underlined mechanisms -  at the whole ecosystem scale is paramount for a holistic understanding of forest response to global change.

Título/data/local/oradores do evento

Join us for ‘Shaping Tomorrow’s Intelligence’ where we will discuss some of the important choices we have in determining the future of AI.

Seminário Permanente de Filosofia das Ciências, por Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, IRPhiL).

Seminário do Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional, por Eduardo V. Castro (Departamento de Física e Astronomia, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade do Porto, Portugal).

Logótipo do evento

Evento final do Projeto iSEA, com inscrições até 30 de abril.

Seminário do Departamento de Física de Ciências ULisboa, por Kora Muzic (Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço, FCUL).

Earth Systems Seminar, por Sandra Plecha (IDL, Centre OIE - Mines Paris).

Seminário Doutoral II (Doutoramento em Biologia - Especialidade de Biologia Molecular), por Zohra Gulzar Lodhia.

Logótipo do Dia Aberto e fotografia de atividade de investigação

Novas vagas disponíveis para o Dia Aberto em Ciências!

Aula aberta no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Linguagens de Domínio, por Bruno Martinho (OutSystems).

Mathematical Logic Seminar, por Jean-Baptiste Joinet (Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3, France).

Esta atividade insere-se no projeto INVASIVES, desenvolvido por uma equipa de investigadores de Ciências ULisboa.

Título e data do workshop

Workshop no âmbito da recente adesão da Universidade de Lisboa à CoARA - Coalition for Advancing Research Assessment.

Título/data/local/orador do evento

Lisbon AI Seminar, por Francisco Laranjinha (CFCUL/RG2).

Título do curso

Curso Avançado CEAUL / Gades Solutions.

Título e datas de candidatura do programa, sobre um padrão em tons de roxo e laranja

Submissão de candidaturas até 14 de maio.

Aula aberta no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Aprendizagem Profunda, por João Carreira (Deepmind).

Logótipo do EVM 2024

Candidaturas até 15 de maio.

Logótipo do LIP Summer Internship Program e fotografia de jovem investigador

Os estágios podem ter uma duração entre duas semanas e dois meses e realizam-se nos três polos do LIP - candidaturas até 15 de maio.

Os oradores plenários irão falar sobre a importância da interdisciplinaridade de forma acessível para todos, estando previstas palestras e apresentação de pósteres por alunos.

Um evento dirigido aos alunos do ensino secundário, consistindo numa palestra sobre a microscopia e em visitas aos laboratórios de microscopia/demonstrações experimentais simples.

Aula aberta no âmbito da Unidade Curricular de Aprendizagem Profunda, por Hugo Penedones (Inductiva).

Árvore florida

A minha Jornada pela Matemática: Descobertas, Escolhas e Desafios, por Ana Catarina Monteiro - estudante do Mestrado em Matemática (Licenciatura: Matemática).

O workshop contribui para aproximar a Ciência e as Políticas Públicas na construção de políticas informadas por evidências.

Composição com os nomes das Universidades participantes

Candidaturas até 25 de maio (mobilidades no 1.º semestre).
