Workshop no âmbito do projeto EVORISE - Exploring the Evolutionary Origin of Sentience (PI Davide Vecchi, Ciências/CFCUL), por Susana Monsó (UNED, Madrid) e Paco Calvo (Universidad de Murcia).
The aim of this workshop is to explore some of the ethical and theoretical issues emerging from cutting-edge animal and plant research on sentience. The evolutionary origin of sentience is a foundational problem in biology. Moreover, identifying lineages with sentience capacities is fundamental for animal welfare. A noticeable trend stemming from contemporary biological research concerns the widening of sentience ascription beyond vertebrates. In this context, should we rethink our farming practices? Should we question our zoo-centric biases when investigating sentience? The workshop features two talks by internationally recognized researchers. It will be of special interest to students and researchers interested in the bioethical and biological dimensions of sentience research.