
Fires and the Water Cycle: Impacts and Management

Universidade de Aveiro

Fires can have severe impacts on water quality. Fires disturb vegetation cover, create an ash layer rich in potential contaminants, and increase contaminant mobilisation by enhancing runoff and erosion. This may lead to the contamination of surface and groundwater resources with suspended sediments, metals, organic compounds and nutrients. While many of the potential impacts are known, key knowledge gaps remain on their probability of occurrence, magnitude, and longevity. Overcoming these gaps is essential to support decision-makers in addressing these risks.

This session will join together researchers and managers from several European countries to discuss our current understanding of the impacts of fire on water quality, and available solutions to mitigate these impacts.

Register in until 14 February

Fires and the Water Cycle: Impacts and Management

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais / APRH - Associação Portuguesa dos Recursos Hídricos / Universidade de Aveiro / Ação COST Firelinks