BioISI Research Seminar

The future of structural biology - AI to the rescue

Transmissão através de Videoconferência

Por Irina Moreira (CNC-UCoimbra).

Despite technological advances, the conventional process of drug discovery and development continues to show limited therapeutic efficacy of drug-leads due to a partial understanding of disease pathophysiology, overall deficiency in developing therapeutics that target overlapping dysregulated pathways, and the choice of therapeutically irrelevant drug targets. The difficulty lies in the interpretation and mining of an ever-growing and overwhelming wealth of diverse data that are disparate from global systemic approaches with an increased granularity of evidence, of which large searchable databases already exist. Determining the relative importance of different pieces of evidence when combining the available information to characterize successful targets for drug discovery is another challenge. Given the latest advances in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI), this enormous task can now be pursued.

We are following an AI-based approach that combines mainly biophysics/structural information and omics to characterize and identify target, drug, and drug-target interactions. In this webinar we will provide some examples of big-data and/or AI-driven modelling frameworks already developed in our group.

Transmissão via Zoom.

BioISI - Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas
Logótipo do evento, sobre um fundo cor-de-rosa

Entrada livre, limitada à lotação do espaço.

Título do programa, fotografia de dois jovens e logótipo da Rede Alumni CIÊNCIAS

As candidaturas estão abertas até dia 09 de dezembro.

Fotografia do Professor Pedro Miranda

Lição de Jubilação "Wind and water: on-going research on climate processes".

Título/data/local do evento e fotografia de António Sampaio da Nóvoa

A sessão será presidida por Sua Excelência O Presidente da República, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa.

Conversas sobre a geologia rica e fascinante do Parque Natural Sintra-Cascais, com a participação de vários docentes de CIÊNCIAS.

Um dia para aprender sobre produção caseira de cogumelos, da teoria à prática! Cada participante leva consigo um kit de cogumelos produzido nesta tarde e ainda todo o conhecimento para o fazer novamente de forma autónoma!

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Apresentação de candidaturas até 15 de dezembro.

An annual meeting that aims to bring together Evolutionary Biologists working in Portugal and abroad in order to promote scientific cohesion and excellence. This meeting is a forum for scientists of all academic levels (from master students to principal investigators), to present their work and discuss, fostering new ideas and collaborations.

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Candidaturas de 01 a 31 de dezembro.

Ação de formação para docentes e investigadores de Ciências.

A leading venue for presenting and discussing the latest research, industrial practice and innovations in dependable and secure computing.
