Talks @DI

Artificial Intelligence context matters

Sala 6.3.27, Ciências ULisboa

Por Luís Correia (DI, Ciências ULisboa).

Abstract: It is unquestionable that AI has obtained striking results in specific areas such as theorem proving, games, data mining or natural language. However, each of these systems is limited to solve the specific problem for which it was created. We will analyse examples showing how AI is very competent in extracting specifics of contextual knowledge. On the other hand, we will confront this capability with the limitations of AI to extend its predefined context in the path to the goal of what is called “general AI”.

Short Bio: Luís Correia is professor at Departmento de Informática and researcher at LASIGE, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal. His research interests are computational artificial life, self-organisation, multi-agent systems, autonomous robots, and data mining. He lectures in the three cycles of Informatics at FCUL, and also in the Cognitive Science and in the Complexity Sciences post-graduation programmes of ULisboa. He has had several coordination positions in institutional university boards.


Departamento de Informática | Ciências ULisboa