cE3c Advanced Courses 2022-2023

Use of technology in field biology

Ciências ULisboa e Herdade da Ribeira Abaixo

Collecting data in the field is nowadays greatly facilitated by the advance of technology such as the development of devices that can automatically record and store environmental information, or miniaturized GPSs that can follow the movements of animals. In this course we will provide advanced hands-on training on some of the most used technological tools in field biology: movement tracking devices (e.g. GPS loggers, geolocators), environmental data loggers (e.g. to record temperature or water depth), acoustic devices (e.g. Audiomoths), camera traps, identification apps and drones. At the end of the course the participants will 1) understand the usefulness of each tool in the context of field biology; 2) know the basic principles of the use of these tools in fieldwork; 3) be able to download the data to a computer. Data analysis will not be addressed in this course, although a list of available software to deal with data handling and analysis for each tool will be provided.

Course dates: June 5th, 2023 to June 9th, 2023

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais
Data e logótipo do Dia Aberto, inseridos em mosaico de atividades de investigação

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