
Departamento de Biologia Animal

Sala/Gabinete 2.3.10
Ext. Principal 22310
Telefone Direto 217500212
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Categoria Professor Catedrático


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Sólveig Thorsteinsdóttir é professora associada no Departamento de Biologia Animal da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa. Os seus interesses científicos situam-se na área da Biologia do Desenvolvimento. Fez a licenciatura em Biologia na Universidade do Kansas nos EUA em 1985. Obteve o doutoramento em Biologia do Desenvolvimento na Universidade de Utrecht na Holanda em 1995 e realizou um pós-doutoramento na Universidade de Otago na Nova Zelândia em 1996-97. Foi investigadora visitante na Universidade de Brasília em Brasil em 2003-04 e na Universidade de Montpellier em França de 2011-12. Foi presidente da Sociedade Portuguesa de Biologia do Desenvolvimento ( em 2014-15 e vice-presidente em 2013-12. É membro da Comissão de Coordenação do Mestrado em Biologia Evolutiva e da Licenciatura em Biologia. É autora ou co-autora de 42 publicações científicas.

Scientific Interests

I work in Developmental Biology and my research interests center on how cells in amniote embryos (chick and mouse) organize to form the musculoskeletal system and how the extracellular matrix produced by cells helps orchestrate this organizational process. Part of the mesoderm of all vertebrate embryos segments into somites, transient balls of cells which contain most of the precursors of the axial musculoskeletal system. This system is common to and characterizes all vertebrates, and its functional modification over evolutionary time allowed the conquest of land. In our research team we ask questions such as: How do these apparently homogenous balls of cells give rise to a functional system composed of vertebrae, tendons, blood vessels and skeletal muscle, the latter which is innervated at precisely the appropriate time? How do specific mutations affect their developmental programme and lead to disease, such as the muscular dystrophies? How were the development of somites and their derivatives modified to produce a muscle pattern able to sustain the vertebral column on land? Our aim is to understand the cross-talk between the different cell types in the shaping of the musculoskeletal system and how, in some cases, defects in these communication events lead to disease.

Publicações selecionadas
  • Nunes A.M., Wuebbles R.D., Sarathy A., Fontelonga T.M., Deries M., Burkin D.J. & Thorsteinsdóttir S. (2017) Impaired fetal muscle development and JAK-STAT activation mark disease onset and progression in a mouse model for merosin-deficient congenital muscular dystrophy. Human Molecular Genetics, 26(11): 2018-2033.
  • Deries M. & Thorsteinsdóttir S. (2016) Axial and limb muscle development: dialogue with the neighbourhood. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 73:4415-4431.
  • Silva A.C., Rodrigues S.C., Caldeira J., Nunes A.M., Sampaio-Pinto V., Resende T.P., Oliveira M.J., Barbosa M.A., Thorsteinsdóttir S., Nascimento D.S. & Pinto-do-Ó P. (2016) Three-dimensional scaffolds of fetal decellularized hearts exhibit enhanced potential to support cardiac cells in comparison to the adult. Biomaterials, 104:52-64.
  • Gomes de Almeida P., Pinheiro G., Nunes A.M.*, Gonçalves A.B.* & Thorsteinsdóttir S. (2016) Fibronectin assembly during early embryo development: a versatile communication system between cells and tissues. Developmental Dynamics 245:520-535.
  • Gonçalves A.B., Thorsteinsdóttir S. & Deries M. (2016) Rapid and simple method for in vivo ex utero development of mouse embryo explants. Differentiation 91:57-67.

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