Pedro Mocho


Departamento de Geologia

Sala/Gabinete 6.2.76
Ext. Principal 526276
Página Pessoal

Carreira Investigação
Categoria Investigador FCT nível junior


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Pedro Mocho born in 1987 in Portugal, he is a Junior Researcher in Instituto Dom Luiz from Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (FCUL), which is funded by a CEEC 2017 contract, and an Associate Researcher in the Dinosaur Institute from Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (NHMLA) since 2018. Completed the BSc of 4 years in Geology in 2010 by Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), MSc in Animal Biodiversity in 2012 by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, and PhD in Biology and Alimentation Sciences in 2016 by Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain). Author of 29 articles in SCI journals, around 100 abstracts in conferences, and some books and chapters. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (CA, USA) for 2 years (2016-2018), and PhD Fellow in Universidad Autónoma de Madrid for 4 years (2011-2015, funded by FCT). Has received more than 7 awards/mentions/grants. Participates and/or participated as PhD Student Fellow in 1 project, Principal investigator in 2 projects and Researcher in 7 projects. His research is focused on the evolutionary history of sauropod dinosaurs, in particular the phylogenetic context of the Late Jurassic sauropods of the Iberian Peninsula (Portugal and Spain) and North America (USA). His research pursues the evolutionary history of sauropods from the Iberian Peninsula, using cladistic, morpho-functional and paleobiogeographic analyses. This research is mainly centered on the evolution of Titanosauriformes during the Early and Upper Cretaceous, including new research on several forms from Spain, North America, and Africa. He has been working since 2012 on the systematics and paleobiology of the sauropods from the Gnatalie quarry (Upper Jurassic, Utah) and from the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness (Upper Cretaceous, New Mexico). He is analyzing the early stages of the eusauropod evolution, especially focused on the eusauropod fauna from the Middle Jurassic of Africa. He collaborates in several studies on sauropod paleobiology (paleohistology and morphofuctional analyses), theropod, ornithischian and turtle systematics; virtual paleontology; paleoichnology and paleontological conservation and heritage. He also collaborates on different paleontological research and outreach projects in Spain, Portugal, Lebanon and the United States. His research have taken him on more than 20 national and international paleontological expeditions in Western Portugal, Spain, Utah and New Mexico (USA), Brazil and Lebanon. He was a visiting researcher in several institutions with paleontological collections, including USA, Argentina, Brazil, UK, France, Spain, Sweden or Germany. He is collaborating with the Grupo de Biología Evolutiva, UNED (Spain) and Sociedade de História Natural (Torres Vedras, Portugal). He has taught Geology in Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (Portugal), and some topics of Vertebrate Paleontology in Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain) and Taller de Empleo de Restauración Paleontológica de Lo Hueco (Cuenca, Spain). He have been promoted scientific dissemination developing outreach activities including the generation of museographic contents for permanent and temporary exhibitions in several museums (e.g. Fukui Prefectural Dinosaur Museum, Japan; Museo de Paleontología de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain; Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência, Portugal); and also has participated in some invited lectures, articles for the general public in newspapers, books, magazines, and TV documentaries.

Publicações selecionadas
  • Mocho P, Pérez-García A, Codrea VA. 2022. New titanosaurian caudal remains provide insights on the sauropod diversity of the Hateg Island (Romania) during the Late Cretaceous. Historical Biology. Doi:
  • Royo-Torres R, Cobos A, Mocho P, Alcalá L. 2020. Origin and evolution of turiasaur dinosaurs set by means of a new ‘rosetta’ specimen from Spain. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, zlaa091. Doi:
  • Vidal D, Mocho P, Aberasturi A, Sanz JL, Ortega F. 2020. High browsing skeletal adaptations in Spinophorosaurus reveal an evolutionary innovation in sauropod dinosaurs. Scientific Reports, 10:6638. doi:
  • Mocho P, Royo-Torres R, Ortega F. 2019. A new macronarian sauropod from the Upper Jurassic of Portugal. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 39:e1578782. doi:
  • Mocho P, Pérez-García A, Martín Jiménez M, Ortega F. 2019. New remains from the Spanish Cenomanian shade light on the Gondwanan origin of European Early Cretaceous titanosaurs. Cretaceous Research, 95:164-190. doi:

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