Olinda Conde

    (Em Ciências até Fevereiro de 2023)



    Currículo Resumido (última atualização)

    Olinda Conde is an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FCUL) since 1998. She graduated in Physics from FCUL in 1974 and received her PhD in Condensed Matter Physics from the University of Paris VI, France, in 1984. She is the Head of the Laser Surface Processing and Thin Films research group that she founded in 1987 at FCUL. From 1991 to 2014 she was a member of ICEMS – Institute for Materials and Surfaces Science and Engineering where she coordinated the scientific area of Materials Physics (2008–12). Since 2015 she is a member of CeFEMA – Center for Physics and Engineering of Advanced Materials. For the last few years, she has been a member of the Thin Films Division of IUVSTA.

    Her research interests include laser-assisted micro- and nanotechnologies, functional thin films and nanostructures, and structural, optical, electrical and magnetic properties of thin films. Along the years she has been working on a variety of materials from nitrides and carbides to half-metallic ferromagnetic oxides and magnetic oxides semiconductors, by CVD, Laser-CVD and PLD techniques. These studies were carried out in the frame of several research projects funded by FCT – Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for which O. Conde acted as the PI (6) or a participating member (10), by the European Union (4) or under Bilateral Collaborative Actions (7). More recently, the CVD growth of few-to-monolayer MoSe2 was started in the group (one MSc thesis completed and one going-on, two research papers published) aiming at exploring new structures and physical properties with interest for optoelectronics and energy devices technology.

    Olinda Conde supervised 12 MSc theses, 4 PhD´s, 5 Post-Docs, 13 young researchers, and 22 diploma theses. She co-organized 35 international conferences, workshops or NATO institutes, co-authored more than 180 presentations in international conferences, co-edited 4 books and co-authored 110 research papers (WoS h-index: 23) published in international refereed journals.


    Scientific Interests

    Laser assisted micro- and nanotechnologies

    Functional thin films and nanostructures

    Structural and physical properties of thin films

    2D materials

    Publicações selecionadas
    • 107. "Electrical switching of magnetization in a layer of α-iron with naturally hydroxidized surface", N.I. Polushkin, A.C. Duarte, O. Conde, N. Bundaleski, J.O. Ventura, J.P. Araújo, G.N. Kakazei, P. Lupo, A.O. Adeyeye, S. Cardoso, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 4 (2016) 7751-7755
    • 108. "Co and (Co,Mo) doping effects on the properties of highly reduced TiO2 anatase thin films", A.J. Silvestre, S. Rout, S. Dalui, L.C.J. Pereira, O. Conde, Current Applied Physics 17 (2017) 174-180
    • 109. "Resistive switching in MoSe2/BaTiO3 hybrid structures", J.P.B. Silva, C. Almeida Marques, J. Agostinho Moreira, O. Conde, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (2017) 10353-10359
    • 110. “Morphological, optical and photovoltaic characteristics of MoSe2/SiOx/Si heterojunctions”, J.P.B. Silva, C. Almeida Marques, A.S. Viana, L.F. Santos, K. Gwozdz, E. Popko, J.P. Connolly, K. Veltruská, V. Matolín, O. Conde, Scientific Reports 10 (2020) 1215 (9 pages)
    • 111. “Shape-controlled monolayer MoSe2 flakes by chemical vapor deposition towards tuning the photoluminescence emission”, C. González, J.P.B. Silva, A.S. Viana, K. Gwozdz, O. Conde, Applied Surface Science 605 (2022) 154742 (9 pages)

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