Cristina Ponte Lira


Departamento de Geologia

Sala/Gabinete 6.2.76
Ext. Principal 26276
Telefone Direto 217500376
Página Pessoal

Carreira Investigação
Categoria Investigador FCT nível junior


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Interesses Científicos

Geomática, Processamento e Análise de Imagem, Processos Costeiros e Sistemas de Monitorização Costeira

Scientific Interests

Geomatics; Image Processing and Analysis; Coastal Processes and Coastal Monitoring Systems

Publicações selecionadas
  • Ponte Lira, C., Silva, A. N., Taborda, R., and de Andrade, C. F.: Coastline evolution of Portuguese low-lying sandy coast in the last 50 years: an integrated approach, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, doi:10.5194/essd-8-265-2016, 2016.
  • C. Lira & R. Taborda (2014 ) - Advances in Applied Remote Sensing to Coastal Environments Using Free Satellite Imagery. Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources: Remote Sensing and Modeling. Coastal Research Library, Finkl, Charles W., Makowski, Christopher (Eds.), Vol. 9, Capter4: 77-102.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06326-3_4
  • Lira C., Lousada M., Falcão A.P., et al. (2013) - The 20 February 2010 Madeira Island flash-floods: VHR satellite imagery processing in support of landslide inventory and sediment budget assessment. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 13(3): 709-719. DOI: 10.5194/nhess-13-709-2013
  • Pina P., Lira C., Lousada M. (2011) - In-situ computation of granulometries of sedimentary grains - Some preliminary results. Journal of Coastal Research, SI64(2):1727-1730
  • Z. Diogo, A. Bastos, C. Lira, R. Taborda, C. Andrade, T. M. Silveira, M. Ribeiro, A. N. Silva, M. M. Carapuço, C. A. Pinto, M. C. Freitas (2014) - Morphological impacts of Christina storm on the beaches of the central western Portuguese coast. IX Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Comunicações Geológicas, Volume 101, Especial III, 1445-1448.

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