
Departamento de Biologia Animal

Ext. Principal 22358
Telefone Direto 217500462



Interesses Científicos

Marcadores moleculares para a identificação de espécies (STRs e SNPs) e mtDNA; Biologia Forense; Ixodideos / doenças / alterações climáticas e saúde pública.

Publicações selecionadas
  • 2019 - OLIVEIRA, A.; FACCHIN, S. ; THYSSEN, P.; DIAS, D.; KALAPOTHAKIS,E.; REBELO, M. - Complete mitochondrial genomes from three species of the genus Peckia (Sarcophagidae) with forensic entomology interest. Mitochondrial DNA Part B (TMDN). DOI: 10.1080/23802359.2018.1545537
  • 2018 - COIMBRA-DORES MJ., SILVA M., MARQUES W., OLIVEIRA AC., ROSA F & DEODÁLIA DIAS. Phylogenetic insights on Mediterranean and Afrotropical Rhipicephalus species (Acari: Ixodida) based on mitochondrial DNA. Experimental and Applied Acarology, Vol 75, Issue 1, pp 107–128. DOI:10.1007/s10493-018-0254-y
  • 2017 - Bin Yang, Leilei Cui, Miguel Perez-Enciso, Aleksei Traspov, Richard P.M.A. Crooijmans, Zinovieva Natalia, Larry B. Schook, Alan Archibald, Greger Larson, Christophe Knorr, Alex Triantaphyllidis, Panoraia Alexandri, Gono Semiadi, Olivier Hanotte, Alain Ducos, Deodália Dias, Peter Dovč, Pekka Uimari, Sem Genini, Laura Iacolina,Massimo Scandura, Martien A.M. Groenen, Lusheng Huang, Hendrik-Jan Megens- Genome‑wide SNP data unveils the globalization of domesticated pigs. Genet Sel Ev
  • 2017 – Almeida C; Simões R; Dores MJ; Rosa, F & Deodália Dias - Mitochondrial DNA analysis of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodidae) from the West of the Iberian Peninsula. Medical and Veterinary Entomology, 31 (2): 167-177. DOI:10.1111/mve.
  • 2017 - Paulo Dario, Ana Rita Oliveira, Teresa Ribeiro, Maria João Porto, Deodália Dias, Francisco Corte-Real - Autosomal SNPs study of a population sample from Southern Portugal and from a sample of immigrants from Guinea-Bissau residing in Portugal. Legal Medicine, 24: 32-35.

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