- França S, Fonseca VF, Tanner SE, Vasconcelos RP, Reis-Santos P, Maia A, Ruano M, et al. 2021. Historical data in the CoastNet Geoportal: snapshot of estuarine fish communities in Portuguese estuaries. Submitted to Frontiers in Marine Science.Front. Mar. Sci. 8:685294. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.685294
- Silva PM, Teixeira CM, Pita C, Cabral HN and França S (2021) Portuguese Artisanal Fishers’ Knowledge About Elasmobranchs—A Case Study. Front. Mar. Sci. 8:684059. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.684059
- França S, Cabral HN. (2019) Distribution models of estuarine fish species: The effect of sampling bias, species ecology and threshold selection on models' accuracy. Ecological Informatics, 51, 168-176. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.03.005
- França S, Cabral HN (2016) Predicting fish species distribution in estuaries: Influence of species’ ecology in model accuracy. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 180, 11-20. doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.06.010
- França S, Cabral HN (2015) Predicting fish species richness in estuaries: Which modelling technique to use? Environmental Modelling and Software, 66: 17-26. doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2014.12.010
Departamento de Biologia VegetalSala/Gabinete 2.5.50
Ext. Principal 22576
Telefone Direto 217500000
Email sofranca@ciencias.ulisboa.pt
Carreira Investigação
Categoria Investigador Auxiliar
Susana França is an Assistant Researcher at Marine and Environmental Sciences Centre (MARE), Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), since june 2019. She obtained her PhD degree in Marine Biology and Aquaculture by Universidade de Lisboa in 2011. From 2016 to 2018 she was an Invited Assistant Professor at FCUL. Her core research areas are: (i) estuarine ecology and the use of different estuarine habitats by fish species and communities; and (2) ecological modeling of estuarine fish population, with focus on predictions of species richness variation patterns and species distribution in estuaries, at a multi-scale level. She is a member of the implementation team of the CoastNet research infrastructure (RI). This RI was included in the National Roadmap for RIs in 2014 and has recently started to be implemented (2017), with SF coordinating one of its lines of action (The Environmental and Biological Monitoring System). She has participated in 17 scientific projects since 2004: 1 national project as Principal Investigator, 12 national projects as a team member and 4 international projects. She has published 40 peer-reviewed papers, and her h-index is 25 with 1598 citations according to Scopus. She has presented over 20 communications in scientific meetings. In the last 6 years, she has been actively involved in science communication and currently co-coordinates MARE's educational program, which promotes Ocean Literacy. This program has developed more than 1300 activities in schools since 2015, reaching more than 35 000 students.
Ecologia estuarina
Comunidades de peixes estuarinos
Utilização de habitats estuarinos
Modelação ecológica de populações de peixes
Modelos de distribuição de espécies de peixe em estuários
Estuarine ecology
Estuarine fish communities
Use of estuarine habitats
Ecological modelling of estuarine fish populations
Species distribution models of fish species in estuaries