César Andrade


Departamento de Geologia

Sala/Gabinete 6.3.48
Ext. Principal 26348
Telefone Direto
Email candrade@ciencias.ulisboa.pt



Interesses Científicos

Geologia, geomorfologia e sedimentologia da faixa costeira. Processos e riscos costeiros. Interpretação do registo geológico de eventos singulares de alta energia - tsunamis e tempestades.Reconstrução paleoambietal e paleoclimática. Risco costeiro em contextos deposicionais e erosivos.r>

Scientific Interests

Geology, geomorphology and sedimentology of the coastal zone. Coastal processes and risks. Research on the sedimentological record of high energy single events - tsunamis and storms.Palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of coastal depositional environments. Evaluation of coastal risks over depositional and rocky environments.

Publicações selecionadas
  • Andrade, C.; Freitas, M. C.; Oliveira, M. A.; Costa, P. J. M. (2016, in press) - On the sedimentological and historical evidences of seismic-triggered tsunamis on the Algarve coast of Portugal. Duarte, J.; Schellart, W. (eds.) - Plate boundaries and natural hazards. American Geophysical Union & Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-05397-2.
  • Costa P.J.M., Andrade C., Cascalho J., Dawson A.G., Freitas M.C., Paris R. and Dawson S. (2015) - Onshore tsunami sediment transport mechanisms inferred from heavy mineral assemblages. The Holocene, 25 (5), pp. 795-809. DOI: 10.1177/0959683615569322.
  • Costa, P.J.M.; Andrade, C.; Mahaney, W.C.; Marques da Silva, F.; Freire, P.; Freitas, M.C.; Janardo, C.; Oliveira, M.A.; Silva, T. and Lopes, V. (2013) - Aeolian microtextures in silica spheres induced in wind tunnel experiment: comparison with aeolian quartz. Geomorphology, 180/181, pp. 120-129. doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.09.011
  • Costa, P.J.M.; Costas, S.; González-Villanueva, R.; Oliveira, M.A.; Roelvink, D.; Andrade, C.; Freitas, M.C.; Cunha, P.P.; Martins, A.; Buylaert, J.-P.; Murray, A. (2016 ) - How did the AD 1755 tsunami impact on sand barriers across the southern coast of Portugal? Geomorphology, 268, pp.296 – 311. ISSN 0169-555X, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.06.019.
  • Andrade, C., Trigo R.M., Freitas, M.C., Gallego M.C., Borges, P. & Ramos, A.M. (2008) - Comparing historic records of storm frequency and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) chronology for the Azores region. The Holocene, 18 (5), pp. 745-754.

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