
Departamento de Biologia Vegetal

Ext. Principal 22145
Telefone Direto 217500381
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Carreira Docente Universitário
Categoria Professor Associado


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Interesses Científicos

Biotecnologia Vegetal, Genómica Vegetal, Biologia sintética vegetal

Scientific Interests

Plant Biotechnology, Plant Genomics, Plant synthetic biology

Publicações selecionadas
  • 2021- Diana Pimentel, Rute Amaro, A. Erban, N. Mauri, F. Soares, C. Rego, José M. Martínez-Zapater, Axel Mithöfer, Joachim Kopka, Ana Margarida Fortes.Transcriptional, hormonal, and metabolic changes in susceptible grape berries under powdery mildew infection. Journal of Experimental Botany. 72 (18). 6544–6569. EDITOR`S CHOICE
  • 2019- João Coelho, Marilia Almeida-Trapp, Diana Pimentel, Flávio Soares, Pedro Reis, Cecília Rego, Axel Mithöfer, Ana Margarida Fortes. The study of hormonal metabolism of Trincadeira and Syrah cultivars indicates new roles of salicylic acid, jasmonates, ABA and IAA during grape ripening and upon infection with Botrytis cinerea. Plant Science 283:266-277.
  • 2017- Grimplet J, Diana Pimentel, Patricia Agudelo-Romero, José Miguel Martinez-Zapater, Fortes AM. The LOBs gene family in grapevine: genome-wide characterization and expression analyses during developmental processes and stress responses. Scientific reports 7(1):15968. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-16240-5.
  • 2015- Agudelo-Romero P., Erban A., Rego C., Carbonell-Bejerano P., Nascimento T., Sousa L., Martínez-Zapater J. M., Kopka J., Fortes A. M. Transcriptome and metabolome reprogramming in Vitis vinifera cv. Trincadeira berries upon infection with Botrytis cinerea. Journal of Experimental Botany 66 (7), 1769-1785.
  • 2013- Agudelo-Romero P., Bortolloti C., Pais M. S., Tiburcio A., Fortes A. M. Study of Polyamines during Grape Ripening Indicate an Important Role of Polyamine Catabolism. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 67, 105-119.

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Prizes and Awards

2024-04-15 - Prémio Aralab (Aralab)

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