Andreia Figueiredo


Departamento de Biologia Vegetal

Sala/Gabinete 2.4.24B
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Currículo Resumido

Andreia Figueiredo licenciou-se em Biologia Vegetal Aplicada pela Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa em 2003 e doutorou-se em Biologia Molecular e Celular, pela mesma Universidade, em 2007. É Professora Auxiliar no Departamento de Biologia Vegetal na Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa e Investigadora Principal no Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas da FCUL. Desde 2019 lidera o grupo de Investigação “Grapevine Pathogen Systems Lab” ( onde são desenvolvidas várias linhas de investigação subjacentes à temática da interação planta-patógeno, nomeadamente: priming imunitário, o papel das proteases e lípidos da videira no estabelecimento da resistência a patógenos, identificação de biomarcadores de resistência e microbioma associado ao fitness da planta.

Publicou 44 artigos em revistas internacionais especializadas, artigos técnico-científicos em revistas nacionais e 5 capítulos de livros. É membro do editorial board das revistas BMC Plant Biology e Frontiers in Plant Science (seção plant-pathogen interaction) e editor convidada de vários Tópicos de Investigação em revistas internacionais. Representa a Faculdade de Ciências no grupo de peritos de viticultura da Comissão Nacional da Organização Internacional da Vinha e do Vinho (CNOIV). Os termos mais frequentes na contextualização da produção científica, tecnológica e artístico-cultural são: plant-pathogen interactions, OMIC’s, plant immunity, immunity related proteases, lipids, grapevine, downy mildew, oomycete, subtilases.

Interesses Científicos

plant-pathogen interactions, proteases, immune receptores engineering, oomycetes, lipids, OMIC's

Scientific Interests

Since her PhD on Cellular and Molecular Biology (2007, FCUL) she dedicated her research to the study of plant-pathogen interactions focusing on grapevine through a systems biology approach by employing multi OMIC technologies, functional genomics, and biotechnology-based approaches (siRNAs, gene editing approaches). Her research group, the GPS Lab main aim is to unveil disease regulatory networks in grapevine but also to understand plant-pathogen and plant-microorganisms communication, ultimately focused on improve crop resistance and sustainable production. To achieve this goal the GPS Lab seeks to define models for the key mechanisms that are early activated and de-activated, both on the host and pathogen sides, that might be a target for biotechnology-based approaches. GPS Lab presents six main research areas: 1) identifying, characterizing and engineering plant proteases to improve crop protection; 2) evaluating lipid enrolment on grapevine-pathogen interactions and its impact on hormonal signaling; 3) characterizing host pathogen communication through cell compartments proteomics and metabolomics; 4) identifying the impact of epigenetic modulation (DNA methylation and histone deacetylation) on plant-pathogen cross-talk; 5) understanding the impact of tailoring soil and plant microbiome towards a higher production sustainability and testing different microbial consortia to improve abiotic and biotic stress resistance in crops; 6) defining new elicitor molecules to prime plants resistance. Presently the GPS lab team comprises 2 Assistant Researchers (FCT CEEC 2021 and 2022 awardees), 6 PhD students, 3 Msc Students and 1 researcher.

Publicações selecionadas
  • Laureano G, Santos C, Gouveia C, Matos AR, Figueiredo A (2023) Grapevine-Associated Lipid Signalling Is Specifically Activated in an Rpv3 Background in Response to an Aggressive P. viticola Pathovar. Cells, 12(3):394.
  • Figueiredo J, Santos RB, Guerra-Guimarães L, Leclercq CC, Renaut J, Sousa L, Figueiredo A (2023) Deep into the apoplast: grapevine and Plasmopara viticola proteomes reveal the secret beneath host and pathogen communication at 6h after contact. Phytopathology,
  • Figueiredo J, Santos RB, Guerra-Guimarães L, Leclercq CC, Renaut J, Malhó R, Figueiredo A (2022) An in-planta comparative study of Plasmopara viticola proteome reveals different infection strategies towards susceptible and Rpv3-mediated resistance hosts. Scientific Reports, 12, 20794.
  • Azevedo V, Daddiego L, Cardone MF, Perrella G, Sousa L, Santos RB, Malhó R, Bergamini Carlo, Marsico AD, Figueiredo A, Fiammetta A (2022) Transcriptomic and methylation analysis of susceptible and tolerant grapevine genotypes following Plasmopara viticola infection. Physiologia Plantarum, 174 (5), e13771. Available from:
  • Santos RB, Figueiredo A. Two sides of the same story in grapevine-pathogen interactions (2021) Journal Experimental Botany, 72(9): 3367-3380.

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Prizes and Awards

2024-07-25 - Menções honrosas dos Prémios Científicos Universidade de Lisboa/Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Caixa Geral de Depósitos)

2024-04-23 - Menções honrosas de Docência de Excelência em Ciências (Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa)