Seminário DI/Lasige

Challenges and Opportunities in Accessibility Research

Chieko Asakawa and Hironobu Takagi

17 Julho 2012 - 10h30
Anfiteatro da Fundação da FCUL


Accessibility technologies have been empowering people with disabilities for education and work and in their daily lives by providing access to massive information resources and various online services, which are often inaccessible in the physical world. IBM Research has played an important role in this evolution since the early days of personal computers. In this presentation, they will first give an overview of the history, and introduce some of the contributions their team was involved in, such as IBM Hope Page Reader, aDesigner, and ai-Browser. They will also emphasize the importance of open computing with examples of our contributions to The Social Accessibility project is an approach to improve Web accessibility by gathering users’ voices and crowd-sourcing strategy.

Fotografia de alunos a andarem, junto ao C8

A primeira edição do curso realiza-se já em 2012.

Outra forma de fazer turismo.

Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25.Artigo de investigadores do CeGUL e docentes do GeoFCUL no Top 25

O Encontro decorreu em Junho no GeoFCUL.
