Encontros Scientia

Desemaranhando o Emaranhado Darwiniano: Abordagens Filogenéticas e Funcionais no estudo de Redes Ecológicas

Sala 2.2.14, FCUL, Lisboa

Por Vinicius Bastazini (Post doctoral research fellow at CNRS Theoretical and Experimental Ecology Station, Moulis, France).

Understanding how species interact and how the topology of ecological networks influences the dynamics of populations and communities has been mind- boggling ecologists for over a century now. Despite this long tradition and the rapid increase in the number of studies of complex ecological networks in the past two decades, only recently have ecologists begun to move beyond the description of topological patterns of interaction networks and started to integrate other important biological data, such as functional traits and phylogenies in Network Ecology. Therefore, the aim of this talk is mainly two-fold: to introduce a new analytical approach capable to integrate functional and phylogenetic information in order to describe structural patterns in ecological networks, and to demonstrate the effects of eco- evolutionary dynamics on network resistance.

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais