
Fitting geostatistical and spatial point process models to spatial survey data

FCUL, Lisboa

The course will cover methods for fitting geostatistical and spatial point process models to data obtained from surveys on which the whole region or population of interest is observed, as well as surveys on which observations are available only in a spatial sample from the region of interest, and surveys on which members of the population of interest are missed with some unknown probability. Inference for this last class of surveys will focus on distance sampling surveys. The workshop covers methods for spatial modelling problems in general, although the examples and exercises in the workshop will focus on ecological surveys.

Participants will be instructed in the use of the R package “inlabru”, developed by researchers at the Universities of St Andrews and Edinburgh.

The course has reduced fees: 25 euros for students and FCUL members.

CEAUL - Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa