Cursos Avançados cE3c 2017/2018

Biodiversity and Plant Evolution

MUHNAC, Lisboa

On completion of the course, the students shall have acquired the following knowledge and understanding:

  • Describe the main evolutionary acquisitions on groups of the plant kingdom and its adaptive significance;
  • Comprehend the modern plant phylogeny and its sources of information;
  • Explain the underlying evolutionary mechanisms of diversity and speciation in the plant kingdom;
  • Describe the variety of pollination syndromes, reproductive systems and population structures presentin the plant kingdom, and explain the mechanisms underlying this diversity;
  • Explain and critically analyse how the genetic diversity and evolutionary potential of plant populations are influenced by phenomena like phenotypic plasticity, seed banks, hybridization, polyploidy and postglacial colonization history;
  • Formulate hypotheses and propose methods when studying evolutionary phenomena in wild plant species.

Date: February 5th, 2018 to February 9th, 2018
Deadline for Applications: January 12th, 2018

cE3c - Centro de Ecologia, Evolução e Alterações Ambientais / MUHNAC - Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência