
Accurate Profiling of Dynamically Compiled Code with Bytecode Instrumentation

Sala 6.3.38, FCUL, Lisboa

Many profilers based on bytecode instrumentation yield wrong results in the presence of an optimizing dynamic compiler,  either due to not being aware of compiler optimizations or due to the inserted code disrupting some optimizations. To avoid such perturbations, we present a technique to make any profiler implemented at the bytecode level aware of optimizations performed by the dynamic compiler. We implement our approach in a state-of-the-art Java virtual machine and evaluate it with several profilers. Joint work with Yudi Zheng and Lubomir Bulej.

Short Bio: Walter Binder is a professor in the Faculty of Informatics, Università della Svizzera italiana (USI), Switzerland. He holds an MSc, a PhD, and a Venia Docendi from TU Wien, Austria. His main research interests are in the areas of program analysis, virtual machines, and parallel programming.

Departamento de Informática