PET-MRI School

FCUL, Lisboa

A School for students and early stage researchers.

The School will take place at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL), Lisbon, Portugal, on May 27th 2017 (Saturday before the PSMR 2017 conference).

There are no fees for participating in this School, but students are expected to travel using their own means of transportation as well as to find accommodation.

UK student or postdocs that are accepted will have their travel and 2 hotel nights refunded by CCP PETMR.

Application Process: Applications should be sent by email to, including a a short CV, a motivation letter with 1 page and a proof of student/ early stage researchers status, until April 7th 2017. The number of participants of limited to 20 participants. Accepted participants will be informed by email.

This school is organized together with TRIMAGE European project.