Seminário de Meteorologia, Oceanografia e Clima

Atmospheric Blocking in the Euro-Atlantic sector:climatology and impacts

Sala 1.1.37, FCUL, Lisboa

Pedro Sousa

Resumo: Atmospheric blockings play a significant role in intra-seasonal and inter-annual atmospheric variability, and their occurrence is linked to significant meteorological impacts (e.g. droughts, heatwaves, cold spells), with consequent socio-economic impacts (e.g. mortality, ecosystems disruption, water shortages). Most previous studies about impacts on European temperature have disregarded blocking fingerprint and differences with other synoptic patterns that trigger summer temperature extremes. We provide a clear distinction between high latitude blockings and sub-tropical ridges occurring in three European longitudinal sectors, describing their climatology and consequent impacts not only on European temperature, but also on changes in European precipitation regimes, describing the main physical mechanisms associated. Other impacts, such as blocking-drought-fires feedbacks and snowcover anomalies are also discussed. 
