Seminário de Geometria

Moduli spaces of Hitchin pairs for the indefinite unitary group U(p,q)

Sala 6.2.33, FCUL, Lisboa

Azizeh Nozad

Abstract: U(p,q)-Hitchin pairs on a Riemann surface consist of a a pair of holomorphic vector bundles together with a pair of twisted holomorphic maps between them, one in each direction. The natural stability condition for U(p,q)-Hitchin pairs depends on a real parameter. I will talk about wall crossing for the moduli spaces of polystable U(p,q)- Hitchin pairs as the stability parameter varies. The fact that the quiver associated to these objects contains an oriented cycle introduces new phenomena which was not present in the previously studied cases of triples and chains. From the obtained results we can deduce the birationality of the moduli spaces in a certain range of the parameter.

This seminar is supported by National Funding from FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, under the project: UID/MAT/04561/2013.

CMAF-CIO - Centro de Matemática, Aplicações Fundamentais e Investigação Operacional