Submissão de propostas para o Concurso ERA-Net ARIMNet2

ARIMNet2 - Coordination of Agricultural Research in the Mediterranean Area - CALL 2016

Candidaturas até 1 de junho de 2016 - mais informações disponíveis no sistema de Concursos e em

The ERA-Net Project ARIMNet2 (Coordination of Agricultural Research In the Mediterranean), funded by the European Union through the 7th Framework programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 618127, aims at coordinating National Agricultural Research Programmes to strengthen the capacities of its partners to address in a coordinated way the major challenges that the Mediterranean agriculture is facing. While agriculture in the countries around the Mediterranean is facing common issues and challenges, Agricultural Research is scattered and requires a strong coordination effort to boost cooperation and the coordination of research activities carried out at national level by joining forces to promote innovative research. It is the purpose and ambition of ARIMNet2 partners.