Candidaturas até 13 de maio de 2016 - mais informações disponíveis no sistema de Concursos e em
Through its cohesion policy the European Union works to reduce disparities in the levels of development, growth and quality of life in European regions1. It promotes actions designed to make the European territory more innovative, more sustainable, and more inclusive. This is the EU policy agenda, called the Europe 2020 strategy.
While the large majority of the funds designated to reduce these disparities are managed nationally, the EU and Member States believe that regional development can be improved through cooperation across borders.
The Interreg Europe programme, financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), was therefore designed to support policy-learning among the relevant policy organisations with a view to improving the performance of regional development policies and programmes. It allows regional and local public authorities and other players of regional relevance across Europe to exchange practices and ideas on the way public policies work, and thereby find solutions to improve their strategies for their own citizens.