Seminário no âmbito do Mestrado em Bioestatística

Statistics, Information Technology (IT) and Forensic Dental Medicine

Sala 6.4.29, Ciências ULisboa

Por Cristiana Palmela Pereira (CEAUL, Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade de Lisboa).

The seminar will address the statistical methods used in forensic dental medicine, focusing on the statistics employed in interpreting dental evidence presented as expert testimony and judicial outcomes. It will also explore how forensic dentistry can utilize statistics as evidence, investigations, and interpretation. Statistics provide the necessary methods for studying forensic and medico-legal cases by offering probabilities and outcomes that support judicial and legal decisions. By quantifying uncertainty and enhancing the reliability of dental evidence, statistics play a critical role in ensuring justice and the accuracy of outcomes in legal and judicial processes.

The seminar will discuss current challenges in forensic dental medicine, new research solutions, and the implementation of information technology (IT), including artificial intelligence (AI).

It will cover the most current topics in forensic dental medicine, such as age estimation, sex diagnosis, population affinity analysis, stature estimation, human identification, bite mark studies, and the assessment of bodily damage.

Lastly, the seminar will conclude with a discussion on the broad role of a statistician in forensic sciences, particularly in forensic dental medicine.

CEAUL - Centro de Estatística e Aplicações da Universidade de Lisboa