
Hadron Structure: the AMBER experiment at CERN

Sala 1.4.14, Ciências ULisboa

Por Catarina Quintans (LIP).

AMBER is a new fixed-target experiment at CERN that focuses on understanding hadrons, the building blocks of all visible matter. As far as we presently know, the hadrons constituent quarks and gluons interact according to the Quantum Chromodynamics theory. But how exactly the observed properties of hadrons emerge as we see them at the various probing scales, is a matter of intense study and debate. The hadrons structure and spectroscopy is the subject of the AMBER extensive experimental program, started in 2023. From nucleons to mesons, the experiment addresses their momentum and space distributions, mass, spin and radius.

Short bio: Catarina Quintans is an experimental physicist at LIP (Laboratory for Particles Physics And Instrumentation), a team leader of the Partons and QCD group that collaborates in the AMBER and COMPASS experiments at CERN.

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Departamento de Física | Ciências ULisboa