Data Science Seminars

The Epidemiology of Physical Activity, Sleep, and Cancer: Show Me the (Raw) Data

Sala 6.3.27, Ciências ULisboa

Por Pedro Saint-Maurice (Champalimaud Foundation).

This talk will provide an overview of Dr. Saint-Maurice work and others as examples of scientific publications that have leverage wearable devices to examine the benefits of physical activity and sleep for health. The talk will include descriptions of prospective cohort studies that integrate wearable measures of physical activity and sleep to examine 1) the benefits of physical activity for lowering mortality risk and incident cancer and 2) associations between sleep and mortality/cancer. The last section of the talk will include a description of Dr. Saint-Maurice methodological work testing the measurement properties of wearable devices for measuring activity and sleep.

Bio: Dr. Saint-Maurice is a research scientist at the Champalimaud Foundation in Lisbon, Portugal and his work focus on the applications of wearables to advance our understanding of the benefits of physical activity, sleep, and other lifestyle determinants of circadian rhythms for health. Dr. Saint-Maurice research explores the use of wearable data to better quantify energy expenditure associated with physical activity, measuring sleep, and exposure to artificial light and how these measures can be used to understand how lifestyle behaviors can prevent chronic diseases. He has published over a 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers, including a first-author paper in JAMA and JAMA Internal Medicine where he led projects with significant public health importance.

Departamento de Informática | Ciências ULisboa