CEMS.UL / CMAFcIO Distinguished Lecture Series Mathematics / Colloquium of DM-FCUL Fall 2024 / Daniel da Silva Lecture

The AI Mathematician

Sala 6.2.33, Ciências ULisboa

Por Yang-Hui He (LIMS, Oxford and Nankai University, China).

We argue how AI can assist mathematics in three ways: theorem-proving, conjecture formulation, and language processing.

Inspired by initial experiments in geometry and string theory in 2017, we summarize how this emerging field has grown over the past years, and show how various machine-learning algorithms can help with pattern detection across disciplines ranging from algebraic geometry to representation theory, to combinatorics, and to number theory. 

At the heart of the programme is the question how does AI help with theoretical discovery, and the implications for the future of mathematics.


Cartaz do evento

CMAFcIO e DM: Carlos Florentino, Maria Manuel Torres e Nicolas Van Goethem