Sala 6.2.48, Ciências ULisboa

In the context of the AWESOME Project:
Awareness While Experiencing and Surfing On Movies through Emotions
9 Presentations by the Project team & 2 Invited talks from Cinema, Academia and Industry:
- Talk 1: Emotional Mechanisms of Subversion in Cinema: the Horror Film Among Other Genres
Paulo Leite, Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema, Portugal - Talk 2: Audio Visual Storytelling through the Lens of Affect
Subhabrata Bhattacharya, Netflix, USA
You're also invited!
Free entrance.
Online participation via zoom will be made available for those who cannot participate in-person.
Please register preferably until 11 July, for logistics purposes and certificates of presence.
Organized by the AWESOME FCT project team from LASIGE/Ciências and CIS-IUL/ISCTE, and IEEE IMSPT Portugal Chapter.