
Synchronising Electrophysiological Signals

Sala 1.4.14, Ciências ULisboa

Por Carla Quintão Pereira (Departamento de Física da Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa).

Synchronization is a phenomenon with a particular interest in nature, and can be used as an effective means of communication. In this seminar, we explore how synchronization may be found in brain activity and we point out the clues that can help reveal brain sources taking the concept of synchronisation into account.

Short bio: Bachelor in "Física Tecnológica" (1992), Masters in "Física Médica e Engenharia Biomédica" (1994) and PhD in Biophysics (1998) by FCUL. She was an assistant professor in the Department of Physics at the University of the Algarve (1999-2010) and, since 2010 in the Department of Physics at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the NOVA University of Lisbon, where she coordinated the Integrated Masters in Biomedical Engineering since 2014. Her area of research is focused on Biomedical Engineering, with an emphasis on electrophysiological signal processing, with an interest in brain activity.

Cartaz do evento

Departamento de Física | Ciências ULisboa