Solid Earth Seminars

ANTarctic Electrical Resistivity Monitoring Network (ANTERMON)

Transmissão através de Videoconferência

Por Mohammad Farzamian (Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária).

Abstract: ANTERMON aims to establish an observation network in Antarctica based on the soil electrical resistivity monitoring using geophysical techniques to improve the Spatio-temporal understanding of active layer and permafrost dynamics and water availability with minimal environmental disturbance. It allows detecting high-temporal resolution changes on freezing and thawing on a larger spatial scale, providing new insight into the site-specific reactions of the active layer and permafrost to climate change. A-ERT systems are installed in the GTN-P and CALM sites, where air, surface, and borehole temperatures, as well as snow thickness, are being monitored. A-ERT systems are monitoring electrical resistivity in 6h intervals at the same times in all sites.

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