ICM - AMIGO Consortium

The consortium for mobility in higher education AMIGO – AMbIente e GestãO  was accredited under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, comprising the following Portuguese institutions: Polytechnic Institute of Tomar, University of Aveiro, University of Évora, University of Lisbon, and Nova University of Lisbon. The member institutions are part of the Environmental Studies Network of Portuguese Speaking Countries (REALP). This network was first established between Portugal and Brazil (1997) aiming at scientific collaboration in the environmental and sustainable development fields. It expanded its activity in 2012 to Portuguese-speaking African countries, integrating Angola through the Agostinho Neto University (UAN).

Responsible person for the coordination of the project at Universidade de Lisboa: Professor Cristina Branquinho (cmbranquinho@ciencias.ulisboa.pt)