Speaker: Étienne Miquey (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon).
Abstract: Classical realizability is a theory born from Krivine's work, lying in between mathematical logic and theoretical computer science. Regarding the latter, Krivine realizability indeed defines a framework that has shown to be very conducive to unveiling the computational content of a wide range of classical proofs (going from arithmetical formulas to Cohen's forcing) while maintaining many benefits of intuitionistic realizability. On its logical side, it allows to define new models of set theory, providing for instance for a direct construction of a model in which neither the axiom of choice nor the continuum hypothesis hold. These talks will be devoted to giving a comprehensive introduction to Krivine realizability and its applications. During the first one, I intend to focus on its definition and its core properties, trying to emphasize its peculiarities with respect to intuitionistic realizability. In particular, we shall focus on the computational interpretation it gives to classical proofs. If everything goes as planned, next week we will pay attention to several applications of Krivine realizability to logic and computer science.
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