News and Events

Check the top buttons for News and Events related to Sustainability, available on our website.




In the 2024 edition, the survey focuses on our travel in any mode of transport, then particularizing the motivation for the use, or non-use, of pedestrian travel, with or without limited mobility, by bicycle and public transport.

With this survey, available online, it is intended to create data collection routines that will help us to better analyze the situation of active mobility and public transport in Portugal.

All data will be anonymized and worked on by a multidisciplinary team of the organizing associations for the purpose of an annual analysis of the use of sustainable modes in Portugal and will, in April 2025, be published on the website.

Survey, which will be available until November 15, 2024, at the link:



In today's context of rapid evolution and global change, sustainability has emerged as a central element in innovative business strategies. The fifth Green Savers conference, entitled "Sustainability: a 360º vision", will take place on October 22, at Montes Claros – Lisbon Secret Spot, in Lisbon, between 8:45 am and 1 pm, with the aim of exploring the importance of sustainability as a primary factor for the success and longevity of modern companies.


The University of Lisbon organizes the Conference "What is the role of the University in the promotion of mental health and well-being?", within the scope of the VII Meeting of the Presidents of the General Councils of Portuguese Public Universities.

Free admission, subject to prior registration.


In this training, you will get to know the basic theoretical-practical material to get started in permaculture. In this introduction to Permaculture we will have the opportunity to explore:

  • The genesis of Permaculture
  • The Ethics and Principles of Permaculture
  • Design Tools
  • Sector, Element and Zone Analysis

And all this surrounded by the unique atmosphere of the Permaculture Living Lab (by HortaFCUL), in CIÊNCIAS. Don't miss this opportunity and make yourself a modern permaculturist.

More information / registration



Applications are open for the 2024 Edition of the Poster Award December 3 - International Day of Persons with Disabilities, from September 17 to October 24. This Award distinguishes graphic work that, through a poster, raises public awareness of the recognition of the rights of people with disabilities.

Applications must be submitted by filling out the Application Form

See the regulations of the December 3rd Poster Award.


UNESCO Survey - Empowering women and promoting gender equality in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM)

UNESCO, in collaboration with Gender Scan, has launched an initiative to better understand the motivations and challenges faced by STEM students and professionals. This survey addresses issues such as harassment, obstacles to leadership and the pay gap.



Workshop A Permanent Vegetable Garden. This fall!

More information and registration form



The Alt Protein Project (APP, has arrived at the University of Lisbon! APP is a global student movement dedicated to promoting education, research, and innovation on the topic of alternative proteins.

To join the team or stay up to date with events and opportunities LinkedIn: Instagram: @ulisbonaltprotein Mail:


FCUL's CiclOficina helps bike users repair their bikes for free and create a culture of using bicycles as urban transport. CiclOficina is for everyone and aims to involve bicycle users in their repair, thus allowing progressive learning.

Every Wednesday from 18:00 to 20:00 in Building C3, floor 1, Science ULisboa.

More information



Sea and sky

Other events in the field of Sustainability

SOCLIMPACT ( is a research and innovation project from Horizon 2020 that aims to model and assess the impacts of climate change and the ways of adapting to climate changes, for case studies covering 11 islands and European archipelagos. Ciências ULisboa, through FC.ID, was the Insular Focal Point for the Autonomous Region of the Azores and coordinated the work package for creating the Adaptation to Climate Change paths.​