Julia Bentz
Ciências Choir - Everyone welcome! Everyone can sing!
Tuesdays 17-18.15, C3 Auditorium
Starting date: 3 March 2020
The meeting of 10 March was cancelled (prevention measures in relation to the new Coronavirus, COVID-19 - more information available here).
Ciências Choir will sing songs related to the topic of sustainability understood in a broader sense which integrates, apart from environmental sustainability also social sustainability, justice and well being. These include songs from around the world, e.g. Gospel, African songs, Brazilian songs, folk songs, traditionals... The intention behind choosing and singing these songs is to learn from the wisdom transported through them and to celebrate cultural diversity.
Ciências Choir is
- inclusive and open to people from all walks of life, identities, all cultures, faith and abilities;
- non-auditioned - given the right conditions, all can learn to sing in tune and in harmony;
- community-focused rather than performance oriented and socially and environmentally engaged.
Choir leader:
- Julia Bentz is a postdoc at the cE3c, a R&D unit at Ciências. Since 2017 she is working on the project Art For Adaptation that engages different communities and audiences through creative-artistic practices in the topic of climate change. She also studied violin, flute, ukulele, piano and voice. In 2018 she completed in Canada the Community Choir Leadership Training founded the Clima Coro Lisbon.