
Meta-conformal symmetries and applications to the directed Glauber-Ising model

Sala 1.4.14, FCUL, Lisboa

Por Malte Henkel (Universite de Lorraine Nancy, France).

Abstract: Meta-conformal transformations are defined as sets of time-space transformations which are not angle-preserving but contain time- and space translations, time-space dilatations with dynamical exponent z=1 and whose Lie algebras contain conformal Lie algebras as sub-algebras. They act as dynamical symmetries of the linear transport equation in d spatial dimensions, instead of the Laplace equation invariant under ortho-conformal transformations. Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras of meta-conformal transformations are explicitly constructed for d=1 and d=2 space dimensions. These Lie algebras are isomorphic to the direct sum of either two or three centre-less Virasoro algebras, respectively. The form of co-variant two-point correlators is derived. An application to the directed Glauber-Ising chain with spatially long-ranged initial conditions is described.

CFTC - Centro de Física Teórica e Computacional