
S-SAIL: Solar System Atmospheres’ Investigation and exopLanets

FCUL, Lisboa

The main goal of this 2-days workshop is to gather  researchers, post-docs and students from all Europe, working on Planetary Science studies to discuss about several topics related with Planetary Atmospheres (including exoplanets), and promote collaborations on the basis of a interdisciplinary approach.

Main topics:

  • Atmosphere characterization I: chemical composition (Solar System planets);
  • Clouds and Dynamics;
  • Atmospheric Waves;
  • Atmosphere Modeling;
  • Atmosphere characterization II: exoplanets;
  • Current and Future mission.

The Solar System Atmospheres’ Investigation and exopLanets (S-SAIL) workshop takes place in Lisbon, between the 27th and 28th June 2019. This workshop is supported by Europlanet 2020 RI NA1 –Innovation through Science Networking, and Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.