Pedro Nunes Lectures

Taking Mathematics to Heart

Academia das Ciências de Lisboa

Por Alfio Quarteroni (Politecnico di Milano, Italia).

Abstract: Mathematical models describe the interaction between electrical, mechanical and fluid-dynamical processes occuring in the heart. This classical multi-physics problem featuring multi-scale solutions in space and time require appropriate numerical strategies for accurate and computationally effective simulations of these processes in both physiological and pathological regimes. This presentation includes also a few representative applicatons of clinical interest.

The Pedro Nunes Lectures are a joint iniciative of the Centro Internacional de Matemática and of the Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática. This Lecture has the support of CMAFcIO (Ciências, ULisboa), CEMAT (IST, ULisboa) and the Academia de Ciências de Lisboa.

Pedro Nunes Lecture "Taking Mathematics to Heart"
