The “Ciências Connect” project aims to promote the inclusion and the participation of the Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa (FCUL) campus users (e.g., students, professors or visitors) through a location-based service using beacons to broadcast information. These devices will be placed in the most frequented areas of the campus (see image) to allow their use by the Sciences community.
Beacons are small devices transmitting signals with information (like URL’s) to other devices nearby, using bluetooth technology, which can be detected using an application. Whenever properly configured the user device can automatically receive the notifications being transmitted.
Once the beacons are positioned and activated it will be possible to access in a very simple and direct way the URL addresses of web pages containing at least three levels of information:
- Information of a more embracing context that can be useful at any place of the campus like the application “Sala mais próxima” (closest room) indicating the location of several points of interest, which is available at https://smart.campus.ciencias.ulisboa.pt/portal/apps/LocalPerspective/index.html?appid=49bda8e5f1cf42578ee37f066bdba5a2
- Information of the Sustainability Living Lab @ Ciências Ulisboa, to promote projects and current initiatives.
- Information associated to the nearest building(s) to each beacon, available in a dedicated web page frequently updated to keep the users informed in time about the news and current or scheduled events in respective buildings, security related alerts, etc.
Each beacon will be marked with a signage indicating its presence and with all necessary information to enable the mobile devices to receive the notifications.
With the implementation of this project, we expect to:
- enhance the use of already existing tools that can be very useful to students or visitors of the campus;
- enhance the promotion of news related to the Sciences community (e.g., projects, articles, initiatives, scholarships and prizes) through a location-based service directly accessible to all during their daily activities in the campus.
More Informations soon.
Coordinator: Susana Reis
Membres of the project: João Catalão, Cristina Catita, Paula Redweik e Luiz Coutinho.
For further information, contact sustentabilidade@ciencias.ulisboa.pt.