Between 31st of August and 6th of September, the Castle Meeting will take place for the first time in Portugal. With this 14th edition is intended to strength the charisma built in the last 26 years, promoting the discussion and sharing of actual scientific knowledge in paleomagnetism, archeomagnetism, magnetostratigraphy or environmental magnetism and physical principles of rock magnetism. Contributions focusing on theoretical background, experimental studies, numerical modeling, etc. are cordially invited. Both oral and poster presentations are foreseen.
This time we would like to enlarge the scope of the meeting to contributions focus on the following emergent areas of research:
As is tradition at this conference, we especially encourage young researchers, such as PhD students and PostDocs, to use this opportunity and present results of their studies. With sponsorship of IAGA, the young scientist (not more than 30 years old) who contributed as author with the best paper to the meeting, will be nominated for the Young Scientist Award IAGA concourse.
Under the sponsorship of IAGA, will be possible to partially cover the costs of conference registration. This financial support will be used primarily for participants from developing countries.
Confirmed invited talks
Rob van Der Voo - Paleomagnetism and global plate kinematics: reliability assessments and promising possibilities to augment the database
Maria Ana Baptista – Tsunamis: Challenges for tsunami research in Europe
Adrian Muxworthy – Understanding the effect of chemical alteration on palaeomagnetic signals
Pedro Madureira - Searching mineral resources in ocean domains - the Portuguese case study
Julie Carlut - Interpreting the magnetic signature of serpentinized peridotites from Mid-Oceanic Ridges and ophiolites.
Jorge Miguel Miranda – Preliminary title: Geophysical surveys applied to the exploration of Mid-Ocean Ridge systems
Short course on magnetic susceptibility
Will be organized primarily for up to about 20 undergraduate and postgraduate students, attending the 14th castle Meeting on Paleo, Rock and Environmental Magnetism in Evora, Portugal. The Course will take place at the venue of the Castle Meeting (hotel M’ar De Ar Muralhas, Evora, Portugal) on Friday 29 and Saturday 30 August 2013. See more details here
This Castle Meeting is sponsered by