PROJECT It Is now available the Final Report about the Opinion Study on reindustrialization, green economy, sustainable use of resources and education for the sea. See the report here The "EU Project - Sustainability & Efficient Use of Resources: Survey, Debate and Dissemination", is a project designed and developed by the Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (FCUL). It is a European Commission initiative, promoted by the European Information Centre Jacques Delors (CIEJD), General Directory for European Affairs - Ministry of Foreign Affairs, acting as an Intermediate Body responsible for the Information and Communication about the European Union in Portugal. The Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon (FC-UL) is leading and conducting the project EU – sustainability and efficient use of resources: survey, debate, & dissemination, an initiative of the Jacques Delors Center. This initiative is part of the Communication Plan for Information on the European Union in Portugal. The project includes a survey to be administered in March that ended on the 15th of May, which focused on issues of environment, economy, and sustainability. The main goal of this project is to contribute to a scientifically based discussion on these issues and related policies of the European Union.
PARTICIPATION You can directly participate in this project until September in several ways: - You can answer our survey (ended on May 15th), Your participation is valued at all phases of this project, so please send us your suggestions.
Six debates will be conducted around three key themes: The first took place on the 23rd of April in Oporto, the second on May 15th in Aveiro, the third on June 2nd in Sines, the fourth on June 5th in Olhão and the last took place in Lisbon on September 18th.
EVENTS Follow here all the events related to the project.
Join us in the social networks and see us in YouTube. Follow all the news under the Project!