We organized five debates around three key themes:
- (Re)industrialization, Sustainable Development, and the Green Economy;
- Europe 2020 and sustainable growth for efficient economic use of resources and energy sustainability;
- The importance of education for the sea.
These debates were held in five portuguese cities between April and September 2014, being a central component of the project dissemination.
Last debate organized under the Project:
18th September |
Sustainability and efficient use of resources |
Registration |
Poster |
Program |
Debates held:
September 18th |
"Sustainability and Efficient use of Resources" |
Program |
June 5th |
"Education for the Sea" |
Program |
June 2nd |
"(Re)industrialization and Green Economy" |
Program |
May 15th |
“Mobility and Energy Efficiency” |
Program |
April 23rd |
“(Re)industrialization vs. Green Economy and Management of Natural Resources” |
Program |
Debate "(Re)industrialization vs. Green Economy and Management of Natural Resources"
The first debate of the EU Project - sustainability and efficient use of resources: survey, debate and dissemination took place in the city of Oporto, at 4 pm on April 23rd, entitled “(Re)industrialization vs. Green Economy and Management of Natural Resources”. It counted with the participation of Dr. Emidio Gomes, President of CCDR-North, as Keynote Speaker, and interventions of various guests. There was time devoted to the interaction with the audience.
The debate was held in the Auditorium of CCDR-North, Rua Rainha D. Estefania, 251, Oporto.
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Debate "Mobility and Energy Efficiency"
The second took place on May 15th at the University of Aveiro by 2,30 pm on room 10.1.3 of DEGEI.
The theme was "Mobility and Energy Efficiency" and was attended by Dr. Jorge Vasconcelos, Chairman of the Green Fiscal Reform, as Keynote Speaker, and many commentators. There was time devoted to the interaction between the assistance and the announced table.
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Debate "(Re)industrialization and Green Economy"
 The third debate was held on June 2nd at the Auditorium of Sines Arts Center by 9 am under the theme "(Re)industrialization and Green Economy". It counted with the participation of Prof. Humberto Rosa, Director in the Directorate-General's Climate Commission, as Keynote Speaker, and several guest speakers. There was time devoted to the interaction between the assistance and the announced table.
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Debate "Education for the Sea"
 The fourth debate was held on June 5th at the Secondary School Dr. Francisco Fernandes Lopes by 9 am. The theme was "Education for the Sea" and was attended by Dra. Ivone Rocha expert Lawyer in Environmental Law / Platform for the Sustainable Growth, as Keynote Speaker, and several guest speakers. There was time devoted to the interaction between the assistance and the announced table.
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Debate "Sustainability and Efficient Use of Resources"
 The FCUL and Science4you organized a final event on September 18th between 2 pm and 6 pm in the FCUL - Auditorium 6.1.36, in Building C6, in wich two projects were presented. These projects were implemented under the Communication Plan for the information about the European Union in Portugal. Aiming to raise the awareness for the sustainability issues, the efficient use of resources and the education for the sea, a Opinion Study was held by FCUL, ICS and CITIDEP and launched the contest “you teach”, by Science4you, to university students across the country in order to stimulate the awareness for the sustainability and education in the issues.
The final event was attended by the Minister of Environment, Jorge Moreira da Silva, and the intervention of specialists in these topics, it will also be presented and discussed the final synthesis of the Opinion Study, presented the submitted works and delivered the prize to the winner of the contest “you teach”.
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We are grateful for your participaion!!
The debates can also be followed by WEBCAST. Participate and leave us your questions.